This is the art to developing any MOOC - capturing the content and transforming it into an engaging learning experience. Start with a simple question, "what do you want your students to learn?
Now start to break down the content into bite sized chunks. I find that 1 week of MOOC learning content can be handled within a couple of hours. How you record this meeting is up to you. I always use big paper and pens. Sometimes I video record, but you always need to ensure you choose a recording solution that makes your academic feel comfortable.
Once the meeting is done process it fast, follow up any resources your academic has recommended and start writing the content in some form of design document. Remember you are not the expert! You will have to get used to being an intellectual windsurfer - be able to skim along the surface of a range of subjects at high speed. If you don't understand some of the content that you've noted, write footnotes for your academic in the design documents so they can "fill in the blanks". Don't feel guilty doing this, you are doing them a big favour by doing the " donkey work". Producing a Design Document is an art. But it's vital - without a Design Document you will not have an agreement as to what the learning content consists of. I'll address the art of the Design Document in my next post.
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